For the health and comfort of dogs and the owners who love them, it’s vital to kill and repel dangerous vectors that can spread disease.


Fleas are common ectoparasites found on dogs throughout the world. In Europe, bothCtenocephalides felis (the cat flea) andCtenocephalides canis (the dog flea) infest dogs. Their bite can cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis and fleas are proven vectors of Tapeworm, Bartonella and Ricketssia, among other diseases. Over 95% of fleas are not visible adults. At any time, high numbers of fleas at other life stages may be present and maturing in the environment. Left unchecked, a heavy infestation can develop within days.

Immature Fleas

Defending against adult fleas is only the beginning. In Europe, both Ctenocephalides felis (the cat flea) and Ctenocephalides canis(the dog flea) infest dogs and their environment. Over 95% of fleas are not visible adults. At any time, high numbers of flea eggs, larvae and pupae may be present and maturing in the environment. If left unchecked, a heavy infestation can develop within days. An infestation in the home can be very difficult to eradicate and exposes all to the threats that fleas pose.


Disgusting when engorged on blood and potentially dangerous to dogs and their families, ticks can transmit diseases including Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis andEhrlichiosis, among many others. Ticks lay up to 3,000 eggs at a time. Before laying eggs, a female tick consumes up to 600 times her body weight in blood. It is important to kill the three main European tick species infesting dogs, or repel them before they even have a chance to bite and spread disease.

Sand Flies

Sand flies (phlebotomes) not only irritate dogs with their painful bites, they can transmit diseases and are especially known as vectors of Leishmaniasis. Most active in the summer months when many dogs are outside, sand flies are vesperal blood feeders that typically settle around the muzzle, eyes and mouth. 


Mosquitoes breed wherever there is standing water. Mosquitoes feed preferentially on dogs where the skin is thin and accessible: abdominal region, muzzle or ears – causing scratching, chewing and irritation. Females feed several times on blood before laying hundreds of eggs at a time. Diseases transmitted include Dirofilariasis and West Nile Virus. Allergic reactions to mosquito bites can cause secondary infections as well. Killing and repelling mosquitoes is key to protecting a dog’s health.

Stable Flies

Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) are found in every European country. They are opportunistic feeders able to fly over five kilometers to find a blood source. Both female and male feed on blood and these parasites are active during the day. Bites are estimated to be over 200 times more painful than a mosquito bite.